What To Do If You Have Been Injured In A Slip-And-Fall Accident
- Get medical assistance immediately, if needed.
- Report the incident to the owner or tenant of the property where the accident occurred. If he or she is the business owner, have them make a record of the incident, and get a copy.
- Do not discuss the accident with them and do not blame yourself.
- Locate witnesses and take down their contact information, i.e., names, addresses, phone numbers.
- Note the conditions that caused your accident, i.e., holes, snow, ice, wet floor, cracked floor, no lights, debris, etc.
- Try to preserve a sample of the foreign material that contributed to your slip and trip and fall.
- When at home, write down as much information about the accident as you can remember, i.e., date, time, place, witness information, weather conditions, etc.
- Try to map the location of the accident and diagram exactly what happened. Take photographs of the area as soon as possible so a record can be made.
- Carefully document your injuries and be aware that your symptoms and pains may change over the next few days. This will help you to present your injuries to your doctor, who in turn will make them part of your official medical record.
- It is also important to document any economic or social losses you incur as a result of your accident. Take note of each day of work you miss and each social occasion you cannot take part in because of your injuries.
- Contact our experienced lawyers before you call your insurance company if you have questions about your legal rights. Its important to remember that insurance companies, particularly the insurance company of the responsible party, often do not have your best interests at heart.
What Not To Do If You Are Injured In A Slip-And-Fall Or Trip-And-Fall Accident
- Do not sign any statements or reports about the incident.
- Do not blame anyone for the incident, especially yourself.
- Do not speak to the owners insurance company until after you have spoken to an attorney. An insurance company claims adjuster may attempt to get you to admit responsibility for the incident or encourage you to minimize the extent of your injuries. Simply take a name and phone number and your lawyer should call on your behalf.
- Do not allow any investigators into your home.
Speak With Us Before You Speak With Insurance Representatives
Lozner & Mastropietro is dedicated to representing victims of slip, trip and fall accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of a slip and/or trip and fall accident or you simply need more information, please contact us at 917-920-9431 or use our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions: Slip and Fall