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Negligent Security Contributes To Some Assaults

Para español

It is a sad fact of life that people are assaulted and attacked each day in their homes, workplaces and hotels. The criminal justice system may put the criminal behind bars but it does not compensate the victim for losses due to injury. The civil justice system however allows the victim or the victim’s surviving family to sue for compensation from the attacker and anyone else responsible for the victim’s injuries.

If you were injured or lost a family member in an assault and would like to speak with a lawyer from the Brooklyn personal injury firm of Lozner & Mastropietro, LLC, please contact our office to make arrangements for a complimentary consultation. We can answer your questions about negligent security and assault cases.

Know Your Rights If You Are Injured Due To Inadequate Security

Apartment building owners, property managers, employers and hotel operators have a duty to prevent foreseeable violent and sexual assaults to innocent people. They may be partially responsible for a victim’s injuries, if they failed to provide reasonably secure conditions to prevent an attack or failed to correct conditions that contributed to the attack. When investigating an assault our attorneys will identify foreseeable hazards that should have been corrected:

  • In large apartment or housing developments an assault in one building may mean the owner or manager should recognize that a similar assault may occur in another building in the same development.
  • If the building manager has been notified of a broken security lock, it should be repaired within a reasonable time.
  • Parking lots, hallways and stairwells should be well lighted.
  • Security companies and other employers should perform appropriate criminal background checks and properly train and supervise staff.
  • Building security should be adequately staffed to prevent assaults.
  • Bars and clubs should monitor violent behavior of patrons.

Contact Us For Assault And Negligent Security Accidents

Attorneys at Lozner & Mastropietro are dedicated to representing victims of assault and negligent security. If you were injured or a loved one was killed as a result of an assault due to negligent security, or have another question about civil claims for assault, a lawyer from our Brooklyn, New York, firm would be happy to help you. Please contact us at 917-920-9431 or use our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions: Assault and Negligent Security

What is the difference between criminal assault and civil assault?

For criminal assault a person is prosecuted by the district attorneys office for committing the crime of assault against a victim. If you are facing criminal charges, you are in criminal court and need a criminal defense lawyer. Civil assault involves the victim suing the person who committed the assault against them to recover compensation for their injuries. Often the victim will sue the owner of the premises where the assault took place, if those premises somehow contributed to the assault.

What damages can I recover as a victim of an assault?

Victims of assault often have a difficult time recovering for their losses. Most assaults involve individual people who do not have insurance or sufficient assets to pay for the victims injuries. Often the victim will sue the owner of the premises where the assault took place, if those premises somehow contributed to the assault, such as when a stairwell where the assault took place was not well lit or a building not adequately secured. If the person or persons responsible for the assault have assets or insurance coverage, you may be able to recover compensation for your injuries, including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering

Do I need a lawyer?

Yes. If you or a loved one have been injured by an assault, you should speak to a lawyer immediately to learn more about asserting your rights. An experienced lawyer will be able to explain the value of your case and help you navigate the complicated legal process.