Erb’s Palsy May Be Cause For A Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
Our Experienced Attorneys Can Review The Facts Of Your Case
Erb’s Palsy can occur when the group of nerves called the brachial plexus is injured during labor and delivery. It is most common when there is difficulty delivering the infant’s shoulder. It can be caused by medical errors such as injury caused by physical force on an infant’s body including excessive force during delivery, distress caused by misjudging an infant’s weight, or failing to determine that the infant’s shoulders are too large to fit through the birth canal.
Erb’s Palsy occurs when the nerves of the arm and hand are injured resulting in paralysis of the arm, increased or decreased feeling to the hand and/or arm, and little muscle control in the arm. Children born with this condition often cannot lift their arms above their head and do not have appropriate strength and fine motor coordination. Treatment options include extensive physical therapy and corrective surgeries.
We Are Ready To Advocate For You
At Lozner & Mastropietro, our Brooklyn lawyers are dedicated to helping children who are injured at birth and their families recover the compensation they need. If you believe that your child’s birth injury may be the result of a medical mistake, please call 917-920-9431 or use our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.