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How speeding contributes to pedestrian and bicycle accidents

As a pedestrian or cyclist in New York, you’re vulnerable to the reckless behavior of speeding drivers. Every year, hundreds are injured or killed in accidents that could have been prevented.

If you have sustained an injury after a car accident, you know the pain and frustration that follows. However, you also have the power to hold those responsible accountable. This blog post explores the connection between speeding cars and pedestrian and bicycle accidents.

The dangers of speeding

Speeding is a significant contributor to pedestrian and bicycle accidents, and the consequences can be devastating. Even small increases in vehicle speeds significantly impact the risk of injury or fatality for vulnerable road users.

A study of pedestrian crashes in the country found that the average risk of injury to a pedestrian grows dramatically with each incremental increase in vehicle speed. Driving at 17 miles per hour increases the risk by 10% while driving at 48 miles per boosts it by 90%.

Keeping road users safe

There are different ways to address this issue and keep all road users safe. Designing roadways with safety in mind and prioritizing the protection of vulnerable pedestrians may help lower the fatalities.

Effective measures include the installation of speed humps, multiway stop signs and traffic devices at intersections to slow down turning vehicles. Lowering speed limits on city streets can also reduce the number of cars traveling at high speeds.

For those who sustained serious injuries, remember that you can hold those responsible accountable. By taking action and advocating for safer roads, we can create a better future for all New Yorkers.


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