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Private garbage trucks put Brooklyn pedestrians in danger

On Behalf of | Mar 8, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Garbage trucks are a familiar sight throughout Brooklyn. While these vehicles perform a necessary service and myriad problems would come about if trash was not collected and disposed of, that does not change the inherent risks that accompany these large vehicles. Of specific concern are private trash haulers. Unlike city sanitation workers, the oversight with private trucking companies can be lacking and drivers who are reckless, go beyond the speed limit, ignore traffic lights and commit other dangerous acts could be allowed on the road. This is especially worrisome for pedestrians and people should be cognizant of the lingering issues and their rights if there is this type of collision.

Fatal accident near Barclays Center highlights problems with private haulers

A recent fatal accident showed just how suddenly people can be hit by a garbage truck and lose their lives. The accident happened near the Barclays Center in downtown Brooklyn. This is just another example of the increasing risk to pedestrians and others on the road despite safety initiatives like Vision Zero. In this accident, the trucker, 37, crashed into a 62-year-old man as he was crossing the street. It happened in the late afternoon. The area is known for its complex crosswalks and speeding vehicles. It is also indicative of the potential problems that are posed with private carting companies.

In late 2021, a report was released imploring private haulers to adhere to the safety requirements that city trash haulers must follow. The study sought to forge strategies like vehicles being more visible and protective side guards being placed on the trucks. Statistics show that garbage trucks have been rising not just in Brooklyn and across New York, but throughout the United States. There was a 40% spike between 2012 and 2017. In the decade from 2010 to 2019, New York had 107 people suffer injuries and 43 lose their lives in an accident with a hauler.

Knowing what to do after a Brooklyn garbage truck accident may require advice

Brooklyn residents undoubtedly understand that the hectic nature of the borough’s streets make it potentially challenging to remain safe. That, however, does not excuse private trash haulers from acting in reckless ways, being distracted, driving at excessive speeds, ignoring red lights and taking liberties just because they want to complete their day’s work in rapid fashion. These large vehicles can cause auto accidents, catastrophic injuries and fatalities. This will lead to personal, financial and emotional issues that must be addressed. The entire case should be analyzed, evidence gathered and strategies crafted. Having assistance from those who are experienced with the Brooklyn landscape can be helpful in deciding what to do.



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