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New York personal injury claims for scooter accidents on the rise

On Behalf of | Feb 15, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Scooters have become highly popular throughout New York. People who are riding them must understand the potential for injury from a crash or a fall. What they may not consider is that the vehicle itself could be dangerous. Increasingly, people are suffering personal injury when riding mopeds from a sharing service and are filing claims because of it. If there is a problem with the moped and injuries or fatalities result, it could be the basis for a legal filing for compensation.

Spate of lawsuits filed against Revel

The scooter sharing service Revel is facing two new lawsuits for accidents with mopeds they rented. This brings the number of claims to at least seven. In one of the latest lawsuits, a woman says she was riding in Brooklyn in July 2020 when there were issues with the moped. She was unable to control it, crashed and fell. She said she was injured in the accident. In the second claim, a woman said she was hurt in May 2020 when the scooter malfunctioned and crashed.

These cases are being filed while Revel is expanding its operations across the city. It began offering its services in 2018 and is accused of failing to maintain the vehicles and not properly training the riders before they take to the streets. Other claims the company is facing include a man who says he was thrown over the handlebars due to a malfunction and a man who was not riding a scooter but was hit by a rider, breaking an ankle. There have been three deaths after accidents on these mopeds. The company had shut down for a month over the summer in 2020 and required riders to take part in a safety test prior to riding. They were also required to prove they were wearing a helmet by taking a selfie. Still, the number of accidents is worrisome.

Those injured due to company negligence may have a legal case

Whether it is an accident with injuries and fatalities because of a collision, from a fall, due to a product defect or company negligence, it is important for those who have suffered loss to be cognizant of their rights. These mopeds are repeatedly being referenced as dangerous because of the growing number of people who are hurt or killed when riding them. People who are hit by a rider can also be severely impacted. With medical costs, lost companionship, lost wages and other challenges, a legal filing might be the only way to hold negligent people and companies accountable. Calling a firm that understands how to pursue compensation after personal injury can provide guidance and information as to how to proceed.



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