In the most recent year with car crash data, 2017, there were a total of 939 deaths arising from red-light running. This marked a 10-year high. In New York and across the nation, drivers who are impatient, reckless or distracted are claiming two lives every day. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says the numbers are still rising. Those who die in 65% of these crashes are not the offending drivers.
Of course, drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists who are injured in red-light running crashes may not be entirely free from blame. This is where a few safety tips can come in handy. Drivers, first of all, must practice defensive driving. When a light turns green, they should not rush out into the intersection. Instead, they should pause and then accelerate, looking both ways at the same time.
Drivers should avoid all distractions. In addition, though, they could tap their brakes a few times before stopping at an intersection as this will catch the attention of any distracted drivers behind them. They should cover their brake when approaching an intersection and monitor stale green lights.
Pedestrians and bicyclists should stay alert and not wear headphones, use their phones, or engage in other distracting behavior. They should stay in a high-visibility position and not cross before making sure the cars have fully stopped.
There are a number of other things people can do to prevent motor vehicle accidents, but they cannot always prevent drivers from being negligent. If they suffer through another’s wrongdoing, they might want to speak with a lawyer about filing a claim. New York being a no-fault state, they will first file with their own insurance company. There are limitations as to who can pursue a third-party insurance claim, but the lawyer may explain the details during the evaluation.