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GHSA recommends ways to reduce fatal speeding crashes

On Behalf of | Feb 5, 2019 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Speeding is behind nearly a third of all automobile-related fatalities. Unfortunately, many drivers in New York and across the U.S. have not been properly educated on its dangers. Some even believe that speeding is culturally acceptable. A report from the Governors Highway Safety Association looks afresh at the challenge and comes up with ways to address it.

Two important methods are through better education and stricter law enforcement. In April, the GHSA and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety will be holding a forum with stakeholders in the development of a speed-reduction program. The GHSA has State Highway Safety Offices that are in a unique position to implement this and spearhead other education and enforcement efforts.

The GHSA points out that even a slight decrease in travel speed can mitigate the severity of crashes and injuries, thus saving lives. Though some urban areas have lowered their speed limits and seen positive results, it’s more important to focus on rural roadways, according to the GHSA. In 2016 alone, there were over 5,000 speeding-related deaths in these less-populated areas. The GHSA supports the concept and principles of Vision Zero, the project that aims for zero roadway fatalities in the future. One other method for reducing speed-related crashes is to incorporate elements like roundabouts into the driving environment.

Not knowing what constitutes negligence is no excuse when a speeding driver causes an accident. Those who are injured through no fault of their own could be compensated for their pain and suffering, medical bills, vehicle repair costs and other losses. This is where an attorney comes in, hires investigators to build up the case and negotiates for a settlement. If the driver’s insurance company denies the claim or makes an insufficient offer, a lawsuit might be necessary.


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