A recent study published by JAMA Pediatrics claims that teens with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are one-third more likely to get in a car accident than those without the condition. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, the symptoms of which include a lack of focus, impulsive behavior, and signs of hyperactivity like excessive talking. These make people with the condition more prone to distracted driving. However, before drivers in New York start to worry, researchers for the study say that this statistic isn’t alarming.
One professor of pediatrics believes that this relatively low increase in risk shows that driving with ADHD is manageable. In many cases, drivers with ADHD tend to get their licenses at a later time than others. This is often due to a maturational lag related to ADHD of three to five years.
Parents of teens with ADHD are usually aware of this lag and address it accordingly. For those who don’t know how to address it, experts provide a few tips. Medication and behavioral therapy are usually required in adolescence for those with ADHD, but it all depends on the severity of the symptoms. Individualized driving plans are encouraged. In addition, passengers should be limited at first because of the distraction they can pose.
Sometimes, drivers with ADHD may not take the proper precautions, thus causing a motor vehicle accident through their own negligence. Victims of such accidents may want to speak with a lawyer. Once proof has been established of the other driver’s guilt, the lawyer can negotiate with that person’s auto insurance company for an informal settlement. A successful settlement could compensate the victim for vehicle damage, medical bills and lost wages. If negotiations fall through, the lawyer can litigate.