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Local motorist hits 10 pedestrians

On Behalf of | Aug 17, 2023 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

When we drive, we are acutely aware of the dangers of the road, but when we walk on the sidewalks, sometimes, we forget. Until we enter the roadway, as pedestrians, we feel safer not using the roads.

However, a recent accident in Midtown Manhattan demonstrates that motor vehicles are a danger to everyone, whether on the roads or the sidewalks.

The crash

The motor vehicle accident occurred at the beginning of August at about 5:30 p.m. around the intersection of Lexington Avenue and East 42nd Street.

According to the police, a stolen vehicle from the Bronx collided with 10 pedestrians, a bicyclist and a taxi following an attempted stop by the police. At the time of the impact, the vehicle was traveling against traffic (the wrong way) on Lexington Avenue.

After the crash

Onlookers detained the 20-year-old driver of the stolen vehicle until the officers in pursuit of him arrived. He was immediately arrested, and the car accident victims were transported to the hospital. According to reports, the young man remains in custody, and none of the injured victims incurred life-threatening injuries.

Many were transported to the hospital for treatment.

After motor vehicle accidents

This car accident, while shocking, is not uncommon. Car accidents occur entirely too often in our city and state, but that does not mean that victims are left helpless.

When one is involved in a motor vehicle accident, there are options. A personal injury lawsuit can help to recover compensation for the damages incurred as a result of the crash, including pain and suffering caused by the collision, along with any damages to vehicles, personal items, etc.


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