New York readers might be interested to learn that American drivers are more likely to use their cellphones and other devices while behind the wheel than their Western European counterparts, according to a new study by Liberty Mutual. The study also found that millennials are the worst offenders.
For the study, researchers surveyed 8,000 drivers in the U.S. and Western Europe. They found that 67% of all American drivers included in the survey admitted they used their cellphones to text, send email or open an app while behind the wheel. In comparison, 60% of all Western European drivers admitted they engaged in the same behavior. Meanwhile, 86% of American millennials admitted they use their cellphone while driving compared to 73% of Western European millennials. In addition, 79% of American millennials said they text while driving compared to 65% of Western European millennials.
However, millennials aren’t the only guilty party. Researchers found that baby boomers and members of Generation X also regularly use their cellphones while driving. However, baby boomers are less likely to recognize that cellphone use is causing a worldwide distracted driving problem. In addition, Liberty Mutual says that in-vehicle systems allowing drivers to make hands-free phone calls aren’t as helpful as they seem. That’s because any activity that uses brain power, including talking on the phone, can distract drivers and increase their risk of getting in an accident.
Distracted driving car accidents cause thousands of injuries and deaths on U.S. roadways every year. Victims of distracted driving crashes could contact an attorney for assistance. The attorney may be able to collect evidence proving that the other driver was responsible for the crash and help file a personal injury lawsuit seeking compensation for medical bills, rehabilitation costs, pain and suffering, lost wages, property loss and other crash-related damages.