Strokes are serious medical emergencies that require immediate attention. However, what happens when your healthcare provider misdiagnoses it? The consequences could be life-altering and potentially devastating. Understanding the dangers of stroke misdiagnosis and its...
Brooklyn New York Legal Blog
What kind of compensation can you seek after a bicycle accident?
Experiencing a bicycle accident can be traumatic, leading to physical injuries, emotional stress, and financial burdens. Knowing your rights and understanding the types of compensation you can seek in New York can help you navigate the aftermath more effectively....
Can you sue hospital administrators for medical malpractice?
Hospital managers rarely face malpractice lawsuits involving doctors and nurses who provide direct patient care. However, managers may sometimes bear responsibility for their duties. Hospital administrator liability Hospital managers can face accountability in several...
Can I hold the city liable for my pedestrian accident?
Getting hit by a car as a pedestrian often results in serious injuries and can cause a lot of stress. While drivers are usually at fault, sometimes the blame falls on the city itself. If you were injured in a pedestrian accident, you may be wondering if you can hold...
No safety gear in a home renovation job? Know your rights
New York has clear rules about worker safety in construction sites, especially in high-rise buildings and large commercial projects. Many assume these laws only apply to large commercial projects, but this isn't true. New York’s basic safety standards apply to all...
Brooklyn led in New York bicycle accident injuries in 2023
Bicycles have become an increasingly prominent mode of transportation in New York. The city itself has taken steps to encourage people to shun automobiles and take to their bikes. Unfortunately, that carries with it certain risks. When there is a collision between a...
How social media can affect your personal injury claim
Social media has become a big part of our lives in the digital age. However, your online presence can significantly impact your claim in a personal injury case. Insurance companies and defense attorneys increasingly turn to social media to gather evidence that could...
What is a certificate of merit?
Think of a certificate of merit as a medical second opinion for your lawsuit. Just as you might seek another health care provider's view on a diagnosis, this document ensures that a licensed doctor has reviewed your case before it goes to court. It's a required step...
3 most dangerous roads for New York cyclists
As a cyclist in New York, you have to know the types of roads that pose the greatest risk to your safety. According to New York City’s 2022 Bicycle Crash Data Report, there were 1,980 cyclist injuries and six cyclist fatalities during that year in Brooklyn alone. Here...
Tips to avoid road accidents in rainy weather
Although the fall months are not as rainy as summer, the wet roads are still a road safety hazard. Even driving in a drizzle may lead to motor vehicle accidents due to the slippery roads. In fact, hydroplaning or skidding your car across the road happens more during...